IRCTC Indian Railways - irctc online 139 wrong info given
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Complaint by: sharad on May 12, 2009, 7:38 pm in Indian Railways

Irctc account id:- rpdeo, i was bookedone ticket from patna to mumbai (BCT),
in second AC tatkal kota, my ticket was coformed, we i was call on 139 helpdesk number to know the status of train is runing right time or its late, than i got responce from 139 that the train is runing late around 1hr.the right sudi of train at ARA is 00:09, according the above reply now train will come at ARA on 01:12AM .
when i reach station at 12:30 AM the train has gone at right time .
i have recorded the conversation when i was called 139 for the same.

Due to wrong information from 139 helpdesk, my train was missed and no refund for my ticket also .

My ticket details was :-
PNR number:-********02
Class:- 2AC
Date of jurn :- 11 May 2009
Train number:- 3201
Amount 2001

so kindly resolve my problem as i want my moeny refund .

Thanks & regards,
sharad k dev

Complainant's Goal: i want my moeny refund
Complainant's Target: IRCTC Indian Railways
Complaint Location: IndiaBihar
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Thu, 14 May 2009  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to IRCTC Indian Railways on May 12, 2009, 9:06 pm