IRCTC Indian Railways - I m not satisfied with IRCTC service.
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Complaint by: Rama chandra Jena on October 30, 2009, 11:27 am in Indian Railways
Dear sir/mdm,
Trans no-0113220952, VIDE PNR NO-********07
An Amount Rs 1889.00 against the following TDR file done on dt 01.06.09, but still not credit this amount in my account, for last s-6 months i have been followed-up to IRCTC TDR dept by mail & again & again called up there, but nobodies responded to my case yet, so that i m worried & hopless when tht ll get to possible? it has already crussed 6 months above.
So request, kindly look into its as soon as possible.
Thnx & regards,
Rama chandra jena,
Complainant's Goal: i want to get the refund ASAP
Complainant's Target: IRCTC Indian Railways
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An email communication has been sent to IRCTC Indian Railways on November 2, 2009, 5:10 pm