Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd - Screen Broken for My TAB S 8.4 and it a new Product hence they cant find spares
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Complaint by: bharadwaj on September 8, 2014, 11:53 am in Mobile and Cell Phones

I have purchased samsung tablet samsung tab s 8.4 SM-T705 imei 3532200******** on 28th Aug.
I have broken its screen and since has been running to service centre.
They claim that its a new phone and parts are not available anywhere.
My Bill No is 41********

How can they sell a product without parts being available.

Complainant's Goal: The Spares are not available hence i need my money back or new Phone
Complainant's Target: Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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