Apple India - Iphone 5s
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Complaint by: on July 16, 2015, 11:15 pm in Mobile and Cell Phones

Hello Team,

i bought I phone 5s on 1st May 2015. But from the first day I facing problem with your product.Mobile is Heating during charging, battery drainage, and network issue. Now since yesterday 15-07-2015 a small pink color spot appeared at the bottom of left corner then it appeared on top of left corner slowly this pink spot turned in black and started floating like liquid.

Already my previous issues are not get rectified from your customer service centre.

I was fooled by them that my chargeris duplicate and i bought new charger of worth Rs. 2800 bills are attached. Today i came to know that charger was orginal.

From the day one i am requesting for replacement but no body is listening this thing at all. Its request either replace my phone and return my cash 2800 for charger otherwise i knock consumer court door.

Looking forward to hear from you asap.


Complainant's Goal: Stop making customer fool on apple brand
Complainant's Target: Apple India
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiEast Delhi
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