Indian Railways - Extra Charged by TTE even after showing the booking details on the mobile phone
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Complaint by: Abhilash on December 24, 2011, 11:53 pm in Indian Railways

I have done internet tatkal booking to travel from trishur to manglore (train no 16338 Okha Express) on 21/12/11 and I was carrying valid id proof (pan card) as furnished by me during booking of my ticket, even after I have shown my booking PNR detail and berth no on my mobile phone after sending SMS PNR 4136475918 to 139 on my mobile, but still i was charged Rs 50 for not carrying printout/slip of reservation by the TTR by tell that this format is not acceptable.
I told him my past journeys were I use to show the e ticket in the same way to other TTR and every time it was accepted.
I regret of not carrying printout of my ticket, since it is displayed in the irctc web site not to take print of e ticket to save papers, I have not take the print and shown my responsibility to the environment, and it was not the matter of say 1 Rs by taking printout of my ticket.
I even tried convincing the TTR by telling the above but he was adamant and not at all listening to my apprehension.
I have also filed TDR on the same, but from this I have learned the lesson to carry printable format of e ticket and not to save any more papers hence forth.

Thank you

Complainant's Goal: VMR generated in all mobiles, not only screan shot but also text formats vallid
Complainant's Target: Indian Railways
Complaint Location: IndiaSHORANUR JN
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Recent Comments
Wed, 11 Jan 2012  K Rajput

Check the site "Jago Yatri Jago – Passenger Education Drive by IRCTC" wherein it is written that "Take a print out of your ticket or Save Paper by carrying just a screen shot of the e-ticket which you can display in your laptop, tabs or mobile phones"

Tue, 27 Dec 2011  Abhishek BHatia

Virtual Reservation Message (VRM) - A screen-shot of the e-ticket displayed through laptops/palmtops/ Mobile phone is referred as Virtual Reservation Message (VRM).

I have travelled with VRM many times with no issues. Please do the same and save paper.

Sat, 24 Dec 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Indian Railways on December 24, 2011, 11:53 pm