HOUSEWIFE - Train Facilities
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Complaint by: Janu Subramanian on January 1, 2018, 6:08 pm in Indian Railways

I am travelling in NDLS PDY EXPRESS - 22404 in B1 Coach(3A A/C Tier), which started from Delhi on time by 11.45pm on 31st December 2017. From departure of time till now no water facility and A/C not working for the past 18 hours. Please also note that train is so much delayed for nearly 8 to 9hours. We already informed all the three TTR who came to my compartment about nil water and A/C facility but no response from them. Kindly check and update me at the earliest convenience.

Complainant's Goal: Improvement require on Train facilities
Complainant's Target: HOUSEWIFE
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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