speed suzuki moter bike - suzuki access mh15dq-3123
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Complaint by: Bharat Vijay Lad on November 3, 2015, 3:39 pm in Career and Employment

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that i now Bharat Vijay Lad have pur. MH15-DQ-3123 DT - 18-09-2012 as have very bad exp. With your service department I had given my bike for servicing after with i found oil seal broken this is very bad of your service Department after taking delivery I found seal to be broken after inform several time to your service department i found no service respond so plz. look in to the mater and do the need full looking for your reply.

Thanking You,
Bharat Lad.

Complainant's Goal: satiesfaction ur service
Complainant's Target: speed suzuki moter bike
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraNashik
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