BSES Rajdhani Power Limited - Problem with BSES since long back
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Complaint by: inderjeet.maurya on February 12, 2014, 2:52 pm in Others

Hi This is Inderjeet Maurya, Residing at 160. GF, Sant Nagar Near East of Kailash, New Delhi since my childhood & using ur Domestic Meter on my residence.

There was inforcement happend in 2005 and my meter was tempered & seal broken but it was done by a Crew (Meter Readers) and was bargained with me to pay Rs. 5000/- to sought out the case on the same time but in unpaid conditions the notice was sent to me to hear the case in Enforcement office Andrews Gunj, there i got the bill of Rs. 30000/- and paid 50% of amount and then non payment of rest of the bill of about Rs. 7000/- it was summoned me for hearing in Tis Hazari Court from there i got the NOC of Rs. 0 also fired the Crew (meter reader) on the same time in the presence of Mr. Sita Ram and also issued the ordered to change the meter but since then my meter was not being change even after visiting to Enforcement & Local office serveral times.

I have started a commercial activity on the above said premisis & applied for commercial meter in sept 2013 but they refused to issue the meter as BSES is showing that one of domestic meter is already installed & uninstalled by 2010 and BSES is demanding to pay its outstanding of Rs. 18000/- the they will issue the meter also changed my meter category from domesic to misuse & calculating the bill by Rs. 16/- per unit from Nov 2013.

Meanwhile again the Enforcement team visited to my premisis in August 2013 & enforced my meter found tempered etc. and given me the notice to visit in Enforcement office Andrews Gunj i have visited there two to three times at after spending 6 months time lastly they have issued me a bill of Rs. 67000/- and noticed me to pay the bill in between 3 days from the date of notice served i have visited & paid the bill of Rs. 37000/- & got NOC of Rs. 0 no dues to avoid to disconnect the power supply. now when i have visited to Local office to Remove the Misuse they want me to fill the form affidevits etc. & it is in a process

So please look into this matter and why i m being troubled like this why BSES is not taking any responsibility at their own for his all faults (meter changing, delaying to serve bill by Enforcement etc.)

i have unnessary paid firstly Rs. 15000/- without my fault to Enforcement & then again on the same meter i had to pay Rs. 37000/- to the same Team also m paying the bill on misuse basis of Rs. 16/- per unit since November 2013 to till date also showing one meter on my mother name whether i have already domestic meter (converted into misuse basis now) & demanding Rs. 18000/- where i m not able to get the commercial meter on my premisis. if you will ask me to attach the copies of all the doc of communications i will do that also.

i would request you to please look all into this matters & do the needful

i will be highly obliged for the same

Thanks & Regards

Inderjeet Maurya
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Complainant's Goal: Not to trouble like past & present experience with BSES
Complainant's Target: BSES Rajdhani Power Limited
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiSouth Delhi
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