employee - Irresponsible behaviour of Station Master
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Complaint by: manoj2006jain on February 24, 2011, 5:00 pm in Indian Railways

Yesterday (23.2.2011) I visited Village Karakbel (Distt. Narsinghpur) MadhyaPradesh where I found that a goods train is parked for more then 4 days. Due to this irresponsible behaviour of Station Master a lot of passengers are being injured because they have to go either over or under of the goods train to catch passanger train which has been stopped on the through line. I also injured at back (spine) during the same.
I request the railway authorities to immediatly release this goods train so that passanger trains could reach on the platform and also take action against the Station master for his irresponsible behaviour.

Complainant's Goal: If desired action is not taken, I shall approach to Rail Minister.
Complainant's Target: employee
Complaint Location: IndiaMadhya PradeshNarsinghpur
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Thu, 24 Feb 2011  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to employee on February 24, 2011, 5:00 pm