employee - i am not satisfied with service and manager service abusive behaviour
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Complaint by: Yatharth Jain on August 22, 2010, 10:14 pm in Others


i am gurgaon resident newly 10 days back i settle here i go for my bike service passion silver colour passion with model 2001 to service in auto needs authorized service centre in gurgaon mehrauli road i am not satisfied with my service my total bill is 624Rs/- it s ok,but the today i seen very rude behaviour from manager side when i ask for complaint register actually i seen that my right hand side battery cover is already fine before service when i see the part is broken from near screw and even the mechanic put it like this and did not tell any body but when i see i ask him question whuy you broke then he say that it is already broken if its already broken its not lay there ,so when i tell all these thing to manager he give very bad aggressive behaviour that i see you i did not replace even we did nothing go anywhere to any court whether its consumer or anything,from these kind of behaviour i am very upset please,i request you to see this matter as soon as possibe before the tough situation arises i requested you to take strict action as soon as possible .

even i gave 200Rs/- for both wheel alignment even they have no machine to automize it he did manual which is not for any use .

Bike no:-UP-11-1775.

With Regards,
yatharth Jain

Complainant's Goal: to replace my new part
Complainant's Target: employee
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaGurgaon
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