INDIAN RAILWAYS - I am totally unsatisfied by the way of Indian railways yesterday ........
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Complaint by: on October 12, 2011, 8:04 am in Indian Railways

I have booked my ticket for HYDERABAD EXPRESS from Mumbai CST to Hyderabad... Ticket got confirmed in S5 and my berth is 51..... on 11 of october 2011 ......... from the beginning point tion(MUMBAI CST )... the FANS in our compartment didn't work ....we have approached TC regarding this ... he told that the problem is going to solve in the next station... but it didnt solved in PUNE..... again we said our problem ...TC didnt respond correctly ..... he told in the next station it will be solved .... but in sholapur also it didnt solved ....again the same answer ... in wadi station also it didnt solved .... we totally suffered ....there is no option to open the windows..a huge rain is falling out side ... so no body didnt respond to our problem ... till hyderabad the problem last....i had my worst train journey in my life.... so please action that this willnt repeat...... totally we suffocated a lot... so please take action ....

Complainant's Goal: I Want not to Face this problem again .......
Complainant's Target: INDIAN RAILWAYS
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraMumbai
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