Personal - Harassed By Landlord
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Complaint by: krisindiboy on May 30, 2009, 6:36 pm in Law and Civil Rights

To whom it may concern,

Re: Complaint against landlord for mental and physical harassment.

I, Krishan kant Tiwari, is a tenant of 10 –A Pocket C-2 Mayur Vihar Phase- III New Delhi -110096 along with my family (Wife and a 3 year old daughter) since 15/08/2008.

My landlord began constructing his house on the month of March and we have been patiently bearing all the plights of the proceedings involved in the construction work such as the removal of the wall and the disconnection of water services. Furthermore, the home contract that I have signed with him is not over as yet but he is forcing and threatening us to leave the house. He has even held back the construction work in order to make us live in an unconstructed house.

Despite all these, I am still giving him the full rent but we are only using the bedroom, even for cooking purposes, as the kitchen is also not usable at present\' We are unable to use the other areas of the house due to the disruptions of the construction work process and my wife and daughter are perpetually falling ill due to the construction work.

Even then, I am prepared to increase the rent for the house as per norms when the construction work has been completed. Yet, the landlord insists on me moving out. Therefore, I hereby lodge a complaint against the landlord for the mistreatment of me and my family, causing us great mental and physical harassments for the past 3 months, and demand a compensation of RS. 50000.


Krishna Kant Tiwari
Mob# ********80

Complainant's Goal: causing us great harassments demand a compensation of RS. 50000
Complainant's Target: Personal
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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Fri, 25 May 2012  Sandeep Kaur

Respected Sir/Madam

I am Sandeep Kaur from Karol Bagh, R/O 12A/39, WEA, 2nd Floor, Karol Bagh, New Delhi. I am Take care of my family and only single earning member in family. In my family I have my mothr my father and my Uncle. My father is durg addict from last 40 years. Father is younger brother of my uncle. My uncle is also a sugar and kidney patient from last 5 years. my uncle is unmarried, and they spend there whole life to take are us me and my mother. They lived in this house from last 55 years now his age is 70+. He not having Physical and Financial power to face all these.

Our Landlord Ramesh Chopra has bought this house 15 years back. Our first Landlady was Late smt. Suhinder Kaur. But This new man has become our life is hell. He Cut our Eletricity two years back, but we won that case in court, we are not getting water he cut our water supply. We are facing court cases also.

I just want to ask one think madam, if we don;t want to go for court cases due to our financial problems and personnel problem, Even my uncle is not in the condition to face court cases. He want to settlement at any level. Because we are not financial and phyical secure. Ramesh chopra have police power and financial power both.

Please suggest can We filed Harrassment case against
landlord. Waiting for your suggestions.

Thanks and Regards
sandeep Kaur

Wed, 29 Dec 2010  tigmansh

I support this complaint.
Warning - Beware of landlord of E-81 gali no 3 Pandav nagar.

Fri, 30 Apr 2010  Satnam Malhotra

I support this complaint.

Thu, 04 Jun 2009  Jaya Verma

I support this complaint.I have also grivence by landlords in Delhi.I am living in a flat ofr past 6 months.I want to describe the miseries.