Ardee Infrastructure Private Limited - Ardee Residents Tweeting to @cmohry and DC Gurugram for pending registry
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Complaint by: Consumer Complaints on July 20, 2020, 1:10 pm in Government and Police

Ardee Residents are tweeting since last 8 days to CMO Hatyana (@cmohry) and DC Gurugram with other authorities about inaction of DTP Gurugram, who has files of allotees whose registries are pending since last 15 years.

Ardee builder demands bribes and cash payment for signing registry papers.

Earlier as per CM Haryana orders to DTP Gurugram, on 15/02/2020 to get registries done in one month otherwise file an FIR against builder for forgery is being ignored by DTP and no action has been taken since then.

Complainant's Goal: Get Registry Done
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaGurgaon
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