FASTWAY Transmission Pvt. Ltd. - unethical practice executed by Oriental Cable Network, SCO 284, Sector 32-D,CHD
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Complaint by: Amarjit Singh on May 1, 2018, 1:42 pm in Satellite and Cable TV

Dated 01-05-2018

Subject : Complaint

My issue which is pendent since January 2018 has not been resolved till date by you.
The issue is as under:
Person appointed by local cable operator namely Mr. Suhkwinder Singh to collect monthly subscription charges did not came to my place i.e. H.No.17, First Floor, Sector 33-A, Chandigarh to collect the subscription charges for the month of January 2018 as a result the connection was disconnected in mid-January 2018.
When I asked Mr Suhkwinder Why he did not came to collect monthly fee for cable connection for past 2 and a half months? He replied that he ring the bell from the ground floor and the bell was not working.
He should have come upstairs and ring the doorbell.
Meaning thereby that Mr. Suhkwinder Singh did not bothered to come upstairs to collect money.
Such is an example notorious practices performed by LCO personals.
Also thereafter till 27-3-18 he did not came at my place.
Repeatedly I tried to contact at the number ********94 (local operator) and ********26.
These numbers are provided to me by Fastway via SMS in response to my complaints lodged with FATSWAY at its toll free number ********70.
But actually the said two numbers do not exist. Again a notorious practices are performed by MCO personals
Then somehow I got the working contact number 0172-4002009, ********32, and ********239 but further added to my harassment on behalf of local operator as no one picked my repeated calls on these numbers.
I continued lodging complaints on FASTWAY toll free number ********70.
The connection remained disconnected till 27-3-18.
Suddenly on 28-3-18 two persons came to my place in my absence to attend to my pending complaint since January 2018.
They took Rs.600/- from my wife and gave her a receipt dated 28-3-18 of the said amount and mentioned on the receipt the payment for the months of Jan.2018 and March 2018., the period for which cable connection remained disconnected.
When my wife asked why you are taking money for the months when the connection remained disconnected, the operator’s person instead of justifying, he misbehaved with my wife.
My wife being afraid of being misbehaved did not asked anything further.
When I came home and came to know about the said dictating behaviour of the persons deputed by local cable operator, Again I have to make numbers of call at ********32 but no one picked and after repeated attempts suddenly a madam responded and I was able to talk, I explained the matter and she handed over the phone to Mr Suhkwinder (person appointed by LCO to collect subscription fee).
When I asked Mr Suhkwinder - Why he did not came on first floor to collect monthly fee for cable connection for past 2 and a half months? He replied that he ring the bell from the ground floor and the bell was not working. He did not bothered to come upstairs to collect money.
I also tried to contact at local head office no. 0172-4002009. My call was picked after spending a lot of time for repeated calls. I explained the matter to the attending person.
He assured me that the money taken for the month of March 2018 and half moth of Jan 2018 will be adjusted for the month of April 2018 onwards.
But Suddenly on 26-4-18 again the cable connection was disconnected.
Now I tried many times to connect on mobile and landline numbers but no one is picking the calls till today i.e.28-4-18.
When I lodged complaints on FASTWAY toll free number ********70 and explained the matter but they did not resolved the matter told me to contact the LOC .
It seems FASTWAY work in Collusion with Local Cable operator fixed by Fastway for unethical money gains.
Person attending Toll free no. ********70 give the same answer every time that we will resolve the issue within 6 hours of time but nothing is done.

The intensions of The local LOC - M/s Oriental Cable Network, SCO 284, Sector 32-D, Chandigarh (address as mentioned on receipt) are clear - i.e.
To grab the money for the period the connection remained disconnected i.e. half the month of January and month of March 2018 till 27-3-18.

It is duty of MOC to spot-on the LOC for it offences of unethical means of collecting money from the cable scribers for the period the connection remained disconnected.
But it did not do so till date.

My grievance in in short as under:
1. Person appointed by local cable operator namely Mr. Suhkwinder Singh did not came to my place from Jan 2018 to 27-3-18 to collect the subscription fee. It is his fault.
2. Misbehaviour by the above said person. Threats by LOC persons.
3. The Local cable operator intentionally do not pick the calls or intentionally did not improve the call attending system. It is again a fault and intentional harassment caused on the part of LOC.
4. The cable connection was disconnected in mid-January 2018 without prior information. Again it is fault on part of LOC/ MOC.
5. Instead of adjusting the illegal fee taken for the half month of Jan 18 and Month of March till 27-3-18, the connection was again suddenly disconnected on 26-4-18. It is again a fault on part of MOC/ LOC
6. If a cable subscriber complain for bad services. The cable connection is disconnected on the pretext of non-payment. It is again a corrupt practice adopted by Cable operator.
7. By disconnecting the cable connection, causing harassment to me and my family and I am unable to change the Cable operator as there is no other option for me to choose another cable operator as there is only one cable operator in the area.
Reasons for all the above is Monopoly of Cable operator as is clear in my case.

You are requested to stop the unethical practice executed by M/s Oriental Cable Network, SCO 284, Sector 32-D, Chandigarh/ the Local cable operator.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully

Amarjit Singh
House No. 17, First Floor,
Sector 33-A, Chandigarh.

MAC No. 0********BBT

Complainant's Goal: Adjustment of Subscription fee and Revival of Cable connection
Complainant's Target: FASTWAY Transmission Pvt. Ltd.
Complaint Location: IndiaPunjabLudhiana
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