Delhi Jal Board - un-authorized water connection
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Complaint by: ashok kumar on July 3, 2011, 5:23 pm in Others

Sub: Every Month of crore of in revenu stolen by the people.
Sir, i live in house no-175, gali no-4,nehru nagar, New Delhi-110008. our water supply by the tube well which situated at gali no-1 in nehru nagar, new Delhi-110008 MANY UN-AUTHORIZED WATER CONNECTION IN THAT LINE people WHO LIVE IN GALI NO-3 AND 4 TAKEN TWO WATER CONNECTION THERE are thousand un-authorised connection of water meter in the every house people taken the double connection so, water supply is very slow. please come and check them AND GAVE HIM RIGHT PUNISHMENT.
ASHOK KUMAR ********52

Complainant's Goal: i want to be double connection find and cut the connection
Complainant's Target: Delhi Jal Board
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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Sun, 03 Jul 2011  Message from Helpdesk

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