Delhi Jal Board - Pvt Drains laid leading to chocking of MCD Drains
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Complaint by: Anil on July 3, 2012, 2:19 pm in Government and Police

A complaint # 9165 dt 27/06/12 regarding mixing of water and chocked drains in our A-1/61-66 lane, Janak Puri was lodged on the helpline of DJB.
Commercial Bldgs housing Banquets and restaurants are discharging their huge food waste in the sewage line. They have also laid their independent gutter point on the public land along with the MCD sewage line. The Pvt Sewerage laid by these restaurants is chocked and foul smelling leading to a potential of breaking of gastrointestinal diseases.
DJB refuses to attend to the Pvt drains laid and hence the sewage is back flowing in our residence. It is also resulting in mixing of water being supplied by DJB.Family memebers have already fallen ill due to poor quality of drinking water being supplied.
It is submitted that an early appropriate action should be initiated to clear the drains and prevent the outbreak of diseases and ensure the supply of drinkable water to our residences
Anil Agarwal

Complainant's Goal: Get drinking water & clear chocked unathorized drains laid along with MCD drains
Complainant's Target: Delhi Jal Board
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiSouth West Delhi
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Tue, 03 Jul 2012  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Delhi Jal Board on July 3, 2012, 2:19 pm