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Complaint by: MUMTAJBEGUM RAFIK SHAIKH on April 9, 2018, 11:29 pm in Health and Medical Stores

From : 4th April, 2018
Mrs Mumtajbegum Rafik Shaikh
W/o Late Mr. Rafik Abulkalam Shaikh
523/10, Vijayshree Apartment, S-1,
Nalawde Colony, Samrat Nagar,
Kolhapur 416008.

Sub: Complaint against Dr Vidya Sunil Patil – GurukrupaHospital regarding Comparative, Continued, Gross, Hazardous, Reckless Medical Negligence – in the case of Mr Rafik Abulkalam Shaikh.( S/o Lt. Col. A. M. Shaikh (Retd.))

Respected Sir,
I would like to bring to your kind notice the gross medical negligence done by Dr. Mrs Vidya Sunil Patil (M.B.B.S., M.D.(Med.)) specialist in Diabetics, Lung Disease, Kidney & CARDIOLOGIST) of Gurukrupa Hospital, 1718/B, E ward, 7th Lane Rajarampuri, Kolhapur 416008.

Case History :
1) My husband Mr Rafik Abulkalam Shaikh, aged 64 was admitted in Shri Siddhivinayak Heart Hospital, Shastri Nagar, Kolhapur treated by Dr. Chandrakant Patil – DNB(Med) DNB(Card) DCH Interventional Cardiologist - on 2-10-2017 at 3:00 am on account of profuse sweating along with severe cough and cold and there he was treated and discharged on 3-10-2017 at 9:00 pm and was diagnosed with Unstable Angina with Accelerated Hypertension and treatment advised was -
Tab. Mofix 400 - 7 days
Tab. Zilance 40 - |
Tab. Cetzein - |
Cap. Becadexamine – | 10 days
Tab. Pan 40 - |
Syp. Mucolyte - |

2) On 4-10-2017 again due to sweating my husband consulted at Gurukrupa Hospital to Dr. Mrs. Vidya Sunil Patil during her OPD time i.e. from 2 pm onwards. On examining my husband, Dr. Vidya Patil advised to discontinue Tab. Zilance 40 ( which was for Unstable Angina) and treatment advised was –
Tab. Monticope A
Tab. Deriphylline
Tab. Sampraz 20 mg.
Liq. Kofarest

Further, he was continuing with the treatment advised by Dr. Vidya Patil. As there was no improvement in his health he again consulted during OPD hours to Dr. Vidya Patil on 9-10-2017 and again on 11-10-2017 but the same medicine was advised again.

3) On 16-10-2017 at around 7 am, my husband had profused sweating and severe cough and he was rushed to Dr Vidya Patil – Gurukrupa Hospital and was admitted in ICU. At that time there was no Heart Specialist or qualified doctor present in the hospital to treat my husband. At this instant, instead of diverting the patient to a cardiac hospital, the junior incompetent Doctor Hemaxi (B.H.M.S.), the only doctor on duty treated him with wrong diagnosis and wrong treatment, causing death of my husband. The ICU unit of the hospital was not equipped with any cardiac equipment such as defibrillator – a life saving device. Dr. Vidya Patil did not turn up till 10:30 am when the body of my husband was lying in the hospital.

Charges of Medical Negligence on Dr Vidya Patil :

1) Dr. Vidya Patil mentions on her hospital nameboard and files and documents as a Cardiologist and misguides the patients. Medical Council of India should not tolerate this open loot. Refer Indian Medical Council regulations 2002, clause B (sub cl. 1.1.3)
2) There was no specialist doctor on duty to attend in the ICU at the time of admission of my husband. Whereas the norms of the “ICU Staffing Pattern” are as follows :
a) Full time Director, Incharge with full time appointment or atleast 30%-50% of professional time.
b) Senior accredited specialist in intensive care medicine with or surgery or critical care medicine.
c) Formal education, training and experience in intensive care medicine with preferably 5-7 years (Full-time) work experience in intensive critical care medicine.
d) One consultant must be on duty in general working day and must be available on call on weekends and general holidays.
e) Consultant should poses MCI ( Medical Council of India) recognized post graduate degree (PG) or equivalent degree in Anesthesia, Medicine or Surgery or physicians qualified in intensive care medicine or should have minimum 3 years experience after post graduation of which 3-6 months experience in intensive / critical care medicine (one with teaching experience in critical care medicine is preferred).
f) Resident Doctors (academic or non academic or fellows) A minimum of two resident doctors must be on duty in an ICU and they must be on duty for 24 hours and seven days.
3) The ICU unit was not equipped with proper life saving equipments to treat cardiac patients and is not as per the norms of the Cardiac ICU. But still my husband was admitted in the ICU, which resulted in his death.

4) Error of Judgment - How can Dr. Vidya Patil advise the patient to stop the BP tablet Zilance 40 which was prescribed by Dr. Chandrakant Patil – a senior cardiologist on 3-10-2017. This is therapeutic Misadventure. The doctor has not only failed in her duty of care in deciding what treatment to give to my ailing husband but also failed in her duty to care in administration of treatment to my ailing husband during the golden hours.

5) According to the Medical Council of India norms, those who have been appointed as professors at medical colleges are not allowed to run a private clinic or work at any private hospital. Inspite of this Dr Vidya Patil is working with RCSM Govt Medical College and CPR Hospital, Kolhapur as Asso. Prof. – MD(Med) for last 13 years. Thus, she has trodden the norms laid down by Medical Council of India.

6) The History paper, Indoor case paper, Treatment chart and noted paper were prepared after the death of my husband. Hence, there were many alterations in timings and treatment and medicine given to my husband.
7) All the relevant documents of my husband were signed by Dr. Mr Sunil A. Patil (Husband of Dr Vidya Patil) who is MBBS. DCH (Child Specialist) and not a cardiologist
8) The death certificate of my husband given on GurukrupaHospital letter head is signed by Dr Hemaxi with the stamp of Dr Sunil A Patil. Does Doctor so said Hemaxi has a registration number to practice ? Can a BHMS doctor treat heart patients ? Can a Child specialist mention cause of death as Cardiac Arrest on the Death Certificate when my husband was a patient of Dr Vidya Patil ?
9) Soon after the death of my husband when Dr Vidya Patil realized her medical negligence and malpractices and severity of the case, with fear she covered / hid her name plate displayed on Gurukrupa Hospital. (photo proof enclosed)
10) Thus, it is clearly evident that my husband died merely on account of Dr. Vidya Patil’s Comparative, Continued, Gross, Hazardous, Reckless negligence in diagnosis and wrong treatment. My husband would have survived till the age of 90 years, as he was very healthy, fit and fine and without any past medication history and has a parental survival history of 90 years and above. Moreover, it is pertinent to note that his mother is 90 years old and healthily surviving.

Prayer / Humble Request :

1) The Medical Council of India has recommended to the respective state medical councils to remove such doctor’s names from the Indian Medical Directory and the State Medical Directory for atleast four years (Source:DNA)
2) There should be Cancellation of License and dismissal from Government Medical College and recovery of salary paid for last 13 years by Government Medical College.

3) There should be ban / stay on Dr Vidya Patil’s government duties and on her medical practice till the final result of this case. Futher, the doctor should be punished for playing with the lives of innocent patients.

As such the medical profession which was once considered as noble, now stands exposed to charges of neglect, corruption and commercialization. The treatment given to my husband Mr Rafik Abulkalam Shaikh “fell below that of standards of reasonably competent practitioner in his filed”.

Hence, it is my earnest request to take stern and immediate action against Dr Vidya Patil and Gurukrupa Hospital and grant me due justice at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Mrs Mumtajbegum Rafik Shaikh)
W/o Mr Rafik Abulkalam Shaikh.

Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraKolhapur
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