Taxi service - lost mobile in ola cab
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Complaint by: Radha Ravindra on November 30, 2017, 11:47 am in Tax Services
I was travelling from Reva Collage Kattegenahalli, yelahanka Bangalore to R T Nagar Bangalore with Driver Manjunath Vehicle No KA05AF0934 (White Ritz) on 28/11/2017 4:30pm, while getting down i forget to take my cell phone SamSUng galaxy. within ten minutes i remember my phone is missing i called my cell no. switched off. then i called the cab driver and enquired regarding my cell phone the driver told that he don't know. it is not in the cab.
Cab number is KA05AF0934
Cab Driver no is ********67
I had left my mobile in the cab. As soon as i call back the driver he didnt respond. I need my mobile.
Kindly help.
Complainant's Goal: My sim card should not miss use and want my mobile
Complainant's Target: Taxi service
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