Private sector Job - LIC of India (Death Complaint is not promply attained by lic Gomia Br. 540346351
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Complaint by: Prem Prakash PRasad on October 2, 2010, 10:00 am in Insurance All

My self Prem Prakash Prasad ( 311/51Z ). My father Lt. Mr. Kunj Bihari Prasad, who is die on 1/1/2004 in PGI Chandigarh during treatment. His Pol. No. 540346351, I have inform LIC Gomia ( Jharkhand ) branch on 29/1/2004 & claim with full hospital documents on 26/8/2008 ( Delay due to Bring hospital document from Chandigarh one year & rest due to our branch & DO also ). Unfortunately client's agent was myself.
In Local branch Gomia I have make lot of complaints. But no result.

I have also follow in Hazaribag Branch but result is still waiting.
Please help !
Thnaks ! & hoping very soon result !

Prem Prakash Prasad
Mob ********00

Complainant's Goal: payment provide by lic india as soon as possible
Complainant's Target: Private sector Job
Complaint Location: IndiaJharkhandHazaribag
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Sat, 02 Oct 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Private sector Job on October 2, 2010, 10:00 am