Intech Ibm college - Intech IBM college in Bangalore is not issuing my Provisional MBA degree certifi
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Complaint by: on February 21, 2012, 3:13 pm in Colleges and Universities

I studied MBA from Intech IBM college 2004-06 batch bearing a reg number with 04VDCM6016. I paid all the Semester fees and applied for Provisional certificate of MBA and Bangalore university given my certificate to college. College is not issuing me that certificate saying that I did not paid the fees. I challenged them to show which sem fee that I am left with and surprisingly they lost all records of students. Now, my job is on edge because of not producing this cert copy to my company and still they are not replying to my queries. they are very negligent to hear my voice even. No management is proper in this college now and I need my prov MBA cert immediately. Please look into this issue as most of my batch mates did not obtained these certificates and they are facing the same issue as me

Complainant's Goal: To obtain my MBA certificate from university
Complainant's Target: Intech Ibm college
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnataka
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Fri, 06 Jul 2012  Poonam

Have u got it?

Thu, 21 Jun 2012  Poonam

ya even me facing same Prob, Let me know what to do, you can mail me at