state bank of india - illegal charges levied by bank on petrol purchase through debit card transaction
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Complaint by: prathamesh on November 24, 2010, 9:17 pm in Banking and Finance

hello, myself prathamesh banginwar having an saving account in SBI, kingsway, nagpur.
i got debit card from the bank.
i use it occassionaly for purchases of products including petrol.
bank deducted around Rs. 30/- for card swapping for petrol purchase, saying that the recovery is made from petrol pump dealer.
this is clear fraud as debit card swapping does not levy any charge being a direct account linked transaction.
i request all citizens to look into such deductions made by banks and raise the voice against it on big platforms.

you can contact me at :
mobile : ********12

prathamesh banginwar

Complainant's Goal: to make people aware of such frauds made by banks.
Complainant's Target: state bank of india
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraNagpur
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