job - i am not satisfied with ur service center !
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Complaint by: salauddin on November 16, 2011, 3:38 pm in Consumer Electronics

i had done 3 rd servicing of my classic 500 on date 14.11.11 at shree auto garage wagle state thane w .they r saying there is 1 part which is not availabe ( rectify or rectifire ) dnt know exactly wat the name is b coz of dat my motorcycle gettin starting prblm n average prblm !
so kindly inform me wen the part will b available !
kindly do the needful !

Complainant's Goal: i want part to be available for all customers !
Complainant's Target: job
Complaint Location: IndiaWagle state
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Wed, 16 Nov 2011  Message from Helpdesk

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