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Complaint by: Gowri Sreedhar on March 17, 2019, 4:54 pm in Online Shopping

Had placed an online order for this so-called 'Super Cleaner" product which I saw on Facebook. The cost of the product was Rs.995/- This was couriered to me. The product what I received is not what I expected, in fact, we checked with courier person too. But he said we only deliver the product. I immediately called them to return the product. But the phone was not an authentic number, did not go through in spite of trying many times. Also mailed them at the mail Id they have given ''. The mail bounced back. Also filled the online Return form, but was of no use. Later I saw many have complained that this is a fraud company and are cheating their customers by sending just 5 tablets and an empty bottle. Request you to kindly trace the company who have been cheating their customers online and get my Rs.995/- back.

Thanking you,

Complainant's Goal: Want to return the product and get a refund of Rs.995/-
Complainant's Target: SUPERCLEANERINDIA
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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