- Fraud and Fake company
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Complaint by: Sanjib Kumar Dey on September 16, 2017, 12:46 am in Utility Services

Respected Sir,
Today I wrote complain against the said company, but now I have to write again about the company. Mr Ajay Kumar who call me day before yesterday at 2.44 am. I call him today and ask you called me at 2.44 am and you are the employee of softpayz. He repliedme yes I phone and I am employee of the softpayz. I asked him why do you choose that time anybody told you to call me at that time he maintain a silence.
Sir, one thing more I know that he live in West Bengal and some one of the company used him to any type of work against me and my family.
I am feeling insecure. The company used many type of way to do something. After the conversation with Mr. Ajay Kumar I went to my Local P.S and write the whole thing and also my insecurity. The OC of the PS ensure me they will do that and take necessary action.
My request you to Sir, how can we secured ? Their policy is taken the money and after that do their own style like threaten, fear of police, Law and also jail custody. Sir, can I am not refund the money of Rs. 6588/- ?
I hope you will take a decision after check all the necessary documents. I trust that your investigation backfoot to them it may be proved the company is fraud and fake.
Attachment the picture who threaten and asked for ATM Card No.

Complainant's Goal: Refund my outstanding money of Rs. 6588.00 which is under custody
Complainant's Target:
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra Pradesh
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Sat, 23 Sep 2017  Sumit das

My name is sumit das and I have own my electronic showroom in Kolkata. Last month a man name as Sanjib Kumar dey was come my showroom and purchase a sony home theatre price of Rs. 9800.he bargain too much and lost my 4 hours time. He beg for product for his family. So I kind to him after that I give him the product in Rs. 8000. He pay only 500 Rs. And tell me the remaining payment he will done tomorrow. But after the day he come and tell me that product was fake and try to cut his rest nerves to sucide for threaten me to take 20000 for fine. I say that give me product but he don't carry product on my shop. He threaten me to give Rs. 20000 and if I don't give. He will raise lots of complain on Google and many reviews complaints website. Also he threaten me to go to police or consumer forum. Sanjib Kumar dey and his wife sudipta day is a fraud and blackmailer family. Please take strong action for the same.