C.Nageswara Rao - Forgery PanCards
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Complaint by: Giridhar on July 24, 2013, 10:22 pm in Tax Services

Mr.C Nageswara Rao, opened a LIC Agency and Bank Account and Pan Card by forging others documents and signatures to hide their illegal income with the support of B.Nagapadmaja ,Office in Guntur District , LIC of India and Mr.Mahadev, senior officer, LIC of India
and he is saying he has converted blck money into white money with the help of Income tax Commessioner

pan number AJVPM1198d (which is opened by forging documents)

Complainant's Goal: Duplicate pancard should closed and he should pay penalty to govt for cheating
Complainant's Target: C.Nageswara Rao
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshGuntur
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