WHIRLPOOL INDIA LTD - Complain against washing machine
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Complaint by: K R M Rao on October 4, 2013, 12:48 pm in Home Furnishings

Dear sir
We have purchased the whirlpool washing machine model no.12401 on 19.08.10 from OPRAPPANKUL TIMES Peruva Kerala.Inspite of our repeated requests no body has demonstrated in hindi/english regarding the automatic washing machine.During the warranty period the vibration problem has been solved by replacing the drive belt.Again the machine got break down on 20.08.12. As the warranty period is over,the technician is relluctant to replace the damaged PCB at free of cost. So I have paid Rs.2600/- and service charges of Rs.280/- on 28.08.12(bill No.1128 of JIS Engineers Thalayolaparambu-686605).Again the machine is out of order since19.09.13. I registered the complain on 21/09/2013. A technician has visited my home & checked. He reported some PCB card problem. But after that I have not received any communication from Whirpool customer care. Kindly, note that my complaint No is.18387. I am facing immense problem for last two weeks. Kindly, look into the matter at the earliest.

Complainant's Goal: Repair of the washing machine as soon as possible
Complainant's Target: WHIRLPOOL INDIA LTD
Complaint Location: IndiaKeralaKottayam
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Fri, 04 Oct 2013 - Business Reply from - Whirlpool (WHIRLPOOL INDIA LTD)

Hi Mr.Rao,

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused. Please send an e-mail listing your full complaint numbers and contact details to whirlpoolcomplaintsonline@gmail.com.

Our CRM team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Warm Regards